FAQ Bot named Cloud for Good finalist in Microsoft NZ Partner Awards 2021

FAQ Bot named Cloud for Good finalist in Microsoft NZ Partner Awards 2021

FAQ Bot is a finalist in the Microsoft NZ Partner Awards

(Since publishing this blog, FAQ Bot has rebranded to Helpfruit.)

We are super proud to be named a finalist in the Cloud for Good category for our work with the Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand (BCFNZ). This is an important Kiwi charity that is on a mission to push new frontiers in early detection, treatment and support of breast cancer.

This year, BCFNZ adopted FAQ Bot, to help manage their Pink Ribbon Breakfast fundraising drive. With over 3,000 fundraisers and a small team support team, BCNZF saved themselves around 250 hours of work over the ten-week campaign. With minimal help, the BCFNZ team set up FAQ Bot to answer the fundraisers’ most frequently asked questions easily and quickly. Since then, they’ve rolled out FAQ Bot to support other fundraising campaigns.

This is the third time FAQ Bot has been a finalist in the Microsoft NZ Partner Awards.